Plan miasta Iosif

Iosif - Najnowsze wiadomości:

massive rally by tribals for separate gondwana state

he said inspite of the 1/70 act, nontribals were encroaching lands in bhadrachalam, sarapaka, manuguru, illendu, kothagudem, paloancha, dammapet and aswaraopet and were resorting to real bestate/b business. he demanded that the government ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Day 17 - Bucharest. Vocational Day - Bucharest, Romania

We have the same equipment, the same skill issues, and the same passion to do a really great job! My thanks to Marius and Dan for hosting me, and to Gabriel Iosif of Rotary Bucharest Continental for organising my visit.
źródło: BlogSearch

?? ????

Dachas can be anything from a rustic shack with a little garden, to a huge estate on the black sea. Ours is something in between; a house, and a pretty big, really awesome garden. When we arrived there, my babushka's mother, age 77, ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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